
Cross-Cutting Issue #3 Meeting


7 July 2023


Networking the AquaticPollutants research projects that are focused on the research and application of technologies for the removal of CECs, AMR and pathogens from wastewater – that is the aim of our Cross-Cutting Issue #3. On Wednesday, 5 July 2023, the projects met and discussed what they want to accomplish with this cross-cutting issue (CCI).

As a first step, the projects all filled out a comprehensive “Mitigation Technology Matrix” to describe their treatment trains and research. On Wednesday, we presented all the responses and analyzed them for gaps and synergies.

And what else did we discuss? One main topic within CCI #3 is the comparison of different treatment technologies. During Wednesday’s meeting, the CCI #3 projects discussed the substances that are common to all the projects, which could be used to evaluate treatment/removal performance. Further, we talked about potential activities to undertake within CCI #3, such as collaborating on summer schools, stakeholder workshops, and publications.