
ERA-NET Cofund AquaticPollutants

The pollution of our water sources – including rivers, estuaries and coastal ecosystems – by anthropogenic activities is one of the biggest concerns facing the world today. These pollutants, or contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), include chemicals like antibiotics, as well as microorganisms, such as antibiotic resistant bacteria and their antibiotic resistance genes, and are sourced from consumer products, urban areas, agriculture, animal husbandry farms, industry and maritime activities.

The three European Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) on Water, Oceans, and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) set up the ERA-Net Cofund AquaticPollutants to carry out the necessary research and innovation to address this challenge. The approach includes two calls:

  1. 2020 Joint Transnational Call (JTC): consists of 18 research and innovation projects focusing on three themes of measuring, evaluating, and taking actions related to risks by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources
  2. 2020 Transfer Project Call: The Transfer Project AquaticPollutantsTransNet aims to maximise the transfer of knowledge and impact of the research results
JPI Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
JPI Oceans
Water JPI

AquaticPollutants Transfer Project


AquaticPollutantsTransNet supports the funded research projects by:


The Transfer Project addresses two main themes:

1 - Research and development (R&D) of innovative strategies and methods for knowledge transfer, scientific networking, and increased public engagement

Achieved through identifying stakeholder groups, defining knowledge needs and demands of these stakeholders, and co-creating innovative methods to support the transfer of research results to each group

2 - Implementation and valorisation of new methods for transfer, communication, and dissemination

Achieved through implementing the results from Theme 1, conducting scientific networking through meetings/workshops, and increasing the knowledge and involvement of stakeholders and citizens

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The AquaticPollutantsTransNet project is a consortium comprised of partners from France (BRGM – French Geological Survey, ACTeon Environment), Germany (DECHEMA – Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (TP coordinator), ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research (sub-contractor)), and Sweden (IVL – Swedish Environmental Research Institute).

DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology e.V.

Transfer Project Coordinator

DECHEMA is an expert network for chemical engineering, biotechnology and environmental protection. As a non-profit professional society, we represent these fields in science, industry, politics and society. Our focus is on the interface between research and application.

Partner DECHEMA e.V.

ACTeon Environment

Focusing on profiling end-user groups and identifying political demands

ACTeon is a French research and consulting company that supports the development, implementation and evaluation of strategies and policies in the field of freshwater and marine water, mobilising methods and tools from human sciences (sociology, economics, analysis of institutions etc.).

Partner ACTeon

BRGM (French Geological Survey)

Focusing on stakeholder mapping and knowledge gap identification

BRGM is a public research institution responsible for supporting the public policy mission for the collection, capitalization and dissemination of knowledge in the field of earth sciences.

Partner BRGM

IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute)

Focusing on developing innovative approaches to enhance knowledge transfer

IVL is a non-profit limited company, owned by the Stiftelsen Institutet för Vatten- och Luftvårdsforskning (SIVL). IVL’s mission is to provide scientifically-sound solutions to environmental challenges. IVL provides services as well as partakes in and leads research projects.

Partner IVL

ISOE (Institute for Social-Ecological Research)

Focusing on developing innovative approaches for knowledge transfer and aligning these to stakeholder groups

ISOE is a sustainability research institute that develops scientific bases for decision-making and future-orientated concepts for policy makers, civil society and economy on both regional and international levels.

Partner ISOE



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+49 69 7564 427

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