Scientific Chairs:
Led by the AquaticPollutantsTransNet partners from DECHEMA e.V.
Goals & Objectives:
The main objective of this cross-cutting issue is to determine how the projects can be best supported by TransNet in their communication and stakeholder engagement activities. Starting from the needs of the projects, which will be discussed in the first working group meeting, various questions will be addressed:
- What are the communication and dissemination goals of the AquaticPollutants projects and who are their intended targets? Are there possible synergies among the projects?
- How can TransNet’s communication outputs (i.e. policy brief, fact sheets, etc.) and activities (i.e. engagement with external stakeholders) be aligned with the projects’ communication objectives?
- What can we take away from TransNet’s first findings about knowledge demands and transfer mechanisms to help improve the transfer of the 18 projects’ research results?
Activities & Outputs:
Exchange on:
- Stakeholder identification at local, national and international levels
- Joint communication & dissemination activities (i.e. joint workshops)
- Identify synergies/overlaps among research topics to exchange on processes and results
Last updated: February 2023